8 Tips for Effective Time Management in Nursing School

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Looking for tips for better time management in nursing? Nursing students are very busy, and time management in nursing school can help them regain control of their schedule. Try using flexible learning options when available, the Pomodoro technique, organizational methods and distraction-free study sessions.

woman writing in notebook

Enrolling in nursing school may be one of the most rewarding moves you will make. No matter your academic background, you can apply your previously earned college credits or non-nursing degree to an accelerated nursing program, such as Felician University’s Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN) program. Nurses come from all walks of life but are united by one common drive: to provide the best possible care to patients.

Time management for nursing students is essential for success, especially in an accelerated degree program. The following eight tips for better time management in nursing can help you navigate life as a busy nursing student.

nurse with manikin

What is an accelerated nursing program, exactly? Read more to learn if it’s right for you.

1. For Nursing Time Management, Seek Flexible Learning Options

Because time management skills in nursing are so important, it’s vital to set yourself up for success right from the start of your nursing school experience. Consider looking for a nursing degree program offering flexible learning options that suit your scheduling needs. For example, in Felician’s ABSN, you can choose from hybrid or on-ground course delivery options.

The hybrid accelerated BSN program offers online coursework paired with in-person labs and clinical rotations, while the on-ground option offers in-person coursework and hands-on learning components.

Both hybrid and onsite options allow you to earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), but you can choose the option that best fits your needs, schedule and learning preferences. The hybrid program’s flexible approach may lead to better time management in nursing school.

Do you want to learn more about online learning in nursing school? Get your guide to online nursing education here.

woman sitting on couch with laptop

2. Follow a Consistent Routine

If your routine changes significantly from one day to the next, you may find it challenging to keep track of everything and sort tasks by priority. These issues can derail your time management habits. Instead, try to follow as consistent and predictable a daily routine as possible. Once you become a practicing nurse, you may not know what any given day will bring. But when you know what to expect each day as a student, you can shift more seamlessly from one task to the next.

3. Plan Ahead for Both Schoolwork and Personal Needs

Each weekend, write down all obligations and your schedule for the week ahead. Use a physical day planner or an app, whichever works best for you. Be sure to write down your time commitments, including personal needs like errands, mealtimes and appointments.

Then, designate time slots for completing assignments and studying for classes, labs and the NCLEX-RN®. In terms of learning retention, it’s more effective to plan for multiple, shorter study sessions than to arrange a few marathon study sessions each week.

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4. Organization Is Essential for Time Management in Nursing School

You’ll find yourself taking reams of notes during your classes, labs and study sessions. For better nursing time management, organizing your notes and coursework is essential. The last thing you want to do is spend valuable time searching for a particular note or handout.

Consider experimenting with different organizational systems to find what works best for you. You might prefer handwritten or digital notes or see the value in both. Try color coding or using different folders (physical or digital) for each topic.

5. Avoid Distractions

One of the most effective tips for better time management for nursing students is to optimize your available time. You can’t manufacture more time, but you can choose to spend the time you have wisely.

Create a distraction-free environment for coursework and studying. Silence your cell phone, use noise-canceling headphones and ask others nearby, if applicable, not to interrupt you. If you have trouble resisting the temptation to check your social media feeds, consider using a browser extension that allows you to block those websites temporarily.

6. Try the Pomodoro Technique

Felician nursing student

Are you a procrastinator or a perfectionist? Do you find yourself so overwhelmed by the sheer volume of work that you have trouble getting started on anything? The Pomodoro technique might help you learn better time management skills in nursing.

“Pomodoro” is Italian for “tomato.” The technique gets its name from kitchen timers that resemble tomatoes. It works by encouraging you to work for a set amount of time rather than focusing on completing a specific amount of work. This approach helps curb procrastination and feelings of overwhelm.

Here’s how to practice the Pomodoro technique:

  • First, choose just one task to work on. For nursing students, it’s ideal to select the most urgent and important task.
  • Set a timer for 25 minutes. (You can use a physical kitchen timer or a timer app.)
  • Work on your selected task, avoiding all distractions, for 25 minutes.
  • Take a five-minute break.
  • Set the timer for 25 minutes again and repeat the process.
  • After every four “pomodoros," you can take a 15 to 30-minute break.

The Pomodoro technique not only helps you beat procrastination and perfectionism but also reduces the risk of mental fatigue while studying by imposing structured breaks.

nursing students studying with tablet

Is nursing school hard? Check out these top 8 things to know.

7. Avoid Multitasking

Multitasking can seem very tempting to busy nursing students who are trying to cross off items on a lengthy to-do list. Yet, it isn’t actually productive. Multitasking can mean working on two things simultaneously or rapidly transitioning from one task to another.

According to scientific research, the human brain simply isn’t structured to handle multitasking well. In fact, trying to multitask creates cognitive blocks that impair your focus, make you more distractible and hamper your ability to complete tasks. The mental exertion required to switch from task to task rapidly results in “task switch costs,” which include the slowing of one’s working pace.

So, avoid watching TV while studying, and don't try to complete a homework assignment while simultaneously listening to a lecture. However, there are limited circumstances in which multitasking might be appropriate. For instance, you could listen to a nursing school-related podcast while washing the dishes since the task requires little concentration.

student studying

8. Practice Self-Care and Get Enough Rest

These tips for better time management for nursing students can help you learn how to optimize your time and navigate your schedule. Keep in mind, however, that if you neglect your wellness and try to do too much, you may experience burnout. Nursing school burnout is characterized by feelings of detachment and desensitization, as well as poorer academic performance.

Practicing self-care is just as important as committing to regular study sessions. Try to nourish your physical health with good nutrition, regular exercise and avoiding or limiting alcohol, caffeine and sugar.

Find a stress management technique that works for you, such as yoga or deep breathing. Set aside time each week to enjoy some fresh air and sunshine and engage in social activities and/or your favorite hobbies. Lastly, remember to get enough rest. Your brain requires sufficient sleep to function at its best.

Benefits of Effective Time Management in Nursing Programs

Using these effective time management skills in nursing school can help you take control of your schedule and stay on top of obligations. It also offers other compelling benefits, including:

  • Lower stress levels
  • Enhanced efficiency
  • Better productivity
  • Sense of accomplishment
  • Improved ability to stay on track and graduate on time

Begin Your Nursing Career at Felician University

Felician ABSN student sitting and using laptop

Felician actively strives to encourage better time management in nursing with our robust support system and flexible scheduling options that allow students to manage their time well.

Here, you can choose from two accelerated nursing degree programs: the Hybrid Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing program in Parsippany, NJ, and the On-Ground Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at Felician’s main campus in Rutherford, NJ.

Choose the learning approach that best suits your needs. At Felician, you will be supported in your time management routine and take the first step toward a successful career in nursing. No matter which option you choose, you’ll benefit from low student-to-instructor ratios and our welcoming learning environment and can earn your BSN in as few as 16 months.

Contact our dedicated admissions counselors today for more information about our flexible nursing school options and admission requirements.